ed zachary

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June 24, 2010 6:14 am

This must be a very rare condition. I’ve traveled extensively, both domestically and internationally, on airlines for fifty years and have never seen a person on an airplane have a peanut allergy attack.

Also, this may be closing the barn door after the horse has run away. When was the last time an airline gave anyone a bag of peanuts?

June 24, 2010 10:05 am

Ed – I got peanuts served on 2 flights this summer. But the substance of the debate goes far beyond simple bags of peanuts. Many of the commenters indicate they want full bans on any peanut-containing products, including those brought on board by passengers. Which means this not puts the onus on the passenger to check the label of any food they bring on board, and eliminate any food that contains peanuts, is made with peanut oil, or was manufactured in a plant that also processes peanuts. Does this really reasonable to anyone? Because banning airlines from distributing peanuts doesn’t address the issue – only a full ban on any peanut product would suffice. Clearly, you can’t ban passengers from bringing energy bars that may contain trace amounts of peanuts. Given that, why then even institute an airline ban, if it doesn’t fully address the issue?

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