mr america

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June 23, 2010 9:13 am

There in lies the problem. Minors and elderly that can not take care of themselves should not fly alone. Airlines are not babysitters. I have always considered that to be negligence on the parents. Sending your minor child on a plane (or bus) across the country, or across the world alone, who knows what could happen. These are the same “parents” that drive up and drop their child off at a mall for the day, then wonder why they get a call from the police that their child was found dead in a ditch. they always say “How did this happen?” You left your minor child unattended. take responsibility for yourself and your children. be a REAL parent.

June 23, 2010 9:16 am

Could never find the “start a new comment” button so I post this and hope it is in the correct location.

“DOT Department of Transportation believes that a severe peanut allergy counts as a disability.” So does that mean I can claim disability for my allergy to onions? How about people that are allergic to strawberries, pollen, dairy, ect. We have GOT to put a stop to this. The government is taking TOO MUCH CONTROL. These whiny people that can’t take care of themselves, expecting the government to pass laws so that they don’t have to do anything. Why should I have to do without something just becasue you can’t have it? GROW UP, be an adult. No one is FORCING you to eat, breath or even be around peanuts. Want a peanut free zone? get a plastic bubble.… more »

…Banning peanuts from planes would be as dumb as making separate flights for people that are allergic. I am so tired of hearing people complain becasue the world does not rotate the way they want it to. GET OVER IT. You are not the only person in this planet. We do not all bow down to your every command. YOU are the MINORITY. You adapt to our world or you stay home. « less

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