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June 4, 2010 1:22 am

DOT should set maximum tarmac delay trigger. It then should apply to ALL AIRLINES and ALL CLASSES of AIRCRAFT. The airlines need to make a legal committment (contract of carriage).
Deplaneing without CBP screening IS a viable option. As a military member, I have done this many times during overseas contract flights. I realize this is customs rather than airport security, but the concept is the same.

Allow passengers to deplane during gate holds, but require them to remain in the immediate area. This is no different than an open-ended delay prior to boarding.

June 6, 2010 6:14 pm

I think it’s important to stress the real reason that aircraft is not returning to the gate. Once the aircraft pulls away from the jetway, the crew is on the clock. They are not being paid while sitting at a gate. And 3 hours is too long to keep people on a grounded airplane.

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