Profile: alaskamvp
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You realize, though, that this is a risk that you take when you travel in an airplane. There are risks associated with every type of travel, and lost or delayed luggage is a risk associated with flying. While it’s extremely inconvenient to be without luggage, it would be unrealistic to expect that luggage will always be on time, just as it would be unrealistic to expect always to avoid the risk of traffic when deciding to drive. When you choose to fly, you also choose to adopt the risks of flying, from loss of life to loss of luggage.
Speaking of UPS, they are now offering a new service to customers: they will ship your luggage, so you can mail it ahead of time or avoid the risk of losing your luggage in transit. I think it’s interesting that solutions to this problem are coming… more »
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As to the delivery of delayed baggage: Airlines are treating people who are home different from those visiting; as well as those who are more than 30 miles from the airport. Most domestic carriers are using FedEx or UPS to return delayed luggage. If my bag is delayed on Friday, arrives on Saturday the airline gives the bag to FedEx Monday and I get it Tuesday! How is FOUR DAYS making an effort? ALL airlines have delivery services at every single last little airport. These services will go anywhere! The airlines just don’t want to pay! Airlines must DELIVER the luggage within 12 hours if you live/staying within 50 miles of the airport and 24 hours within 200 miles (from the time the luggage arrives at the intended airport). Most states have regional airports but people drive past them… more »