Profile: alpet
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July 13, 2010 4:42 pm
Thank you for your comment, alpet. You raise some very important concerns. The DOT is particularly interested to hear possible solutions. Should all fare increases be prohibited within 30-60 days prior to the flight? Should restrictions be placed upon the way airlines can advertise, if so how?
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I find it inherently frustrating to purchase an airline ticket. Prices go up in the few minutes it takes you to check another airline’s fare. This “price regulation by Ouija board” is slanted against the consumer.
A passenger’s relationship to an airline is that of consumer to goods purveyor, a quid pro quo. The transaction should be nothing if not straightforward and clear to both parties. When I buy a tank of gas for my car, I choose a pricing option and fill my tank. The price of those fuel gallons doesn’t rise while my tank fills. I know what I’m going to pay and I know what I’m going to get for that payment. Hard to believe that airlines should look to the fuel industry for guidance, but there you go.
Finally, there’s a sort of bait-and-switch… more »