Profile: avgjoe
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April 14, 2010 4:04 pm
Thanks for your comment. How well do you think this rule addresses the dangers you identify with texting while driving?
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While I believe the spirit of the rule would allow for flexibility with respect to phone calls and/or texting while the vehicle is not in a lane of traffic AND is not moving, I believe the intent of the rule should be clear and simple – DO NOT ENGAGE IN PHONE CALLS AND/OR TEXTING WHILE OPERATING A MOTOR VEHICLE.
If the cost of injury or death isn’t enough to deter drivers, then perhaps imprisonment, steep fines, or awards for injury/death/damages or any combination of these will help greatly reduce the number of accidents caused by inattention due to cell phone calls and/or texting.
I’m realistic enough to know that 100% will not be achieved. However, for those who think they can beat the odds/flout the law, the price should be steep when the Piper demands his due.
Again,… more »
I find it iteresting that most drivers think they’re able to talk or text and drive safely at the same time. I guess the MetroLink train crash in Southern California that killed over 20 people – you know the one I’m referring to, where the train engineer was texting – doesn’t count since he was in a train and not a motorized vehicle. I read somewhere that within the next five years, car manufacturers are going to be building cars that won’t allow drivers to talk and/or text and drive. And on a scale of 1 to 10, aren’t 99.99999% of those phone calls next to “totally unimportant”?
Technology should not be used as a crutch to make up for lack of planning. If a CMV breaks down or needs some other kind of assistance, than fine. A BRIEF… more »
A person driving a motor vehicle should be doing just that – driving the motor vehicle. Let me put it in black and white (or yellow and white, as the case may be). ALL drivers are governed by paint (lane markers) and light (Red, Green, and Yellow). And why do we obey these? The answer is simple. THE CONSEQUENCES ARE ALMOST ALWAYS SEVERE AND IMMEDIATE! I don’t believe any cell phone call and/or text message is worth dying for! « less