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June 24, 2010 5:04 pm

I have been diagnosed – I say that part for the naysayers – by one of the best Allergists in the country. I want to say that I am allergic to peanuts and latex as well as a number of other items. But with the two above items it’s the particles in the air on board that worry me the most when flying. Until the laws change I just do not fly any longer at all. I’d rather drive for days then risk dying in flight. I do not want to miss out on seeing my daughter grow up. I think that anyone with a loved one with a severe allergy would agree with banning any item from a flight that has reactive proteins that could be recycled through the cabin. And if you are so selfish that you cannot live without a peanut or a balloon for a few hours – I hope one day you have an experience… more »

…that teaches you how it feels to have a serious allergic reaction. If the Center for Disease Control has a warning about the overexposure to natural Latex then don’t you think the airlines should think about the seriousness of allergies, and airborne proteins? « less

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