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Do you have any ideas about how these devices can be made more cost-effective for smaller truckers? For example, do you have suggestions for an exception that FMCSA could make for these smaller truckers? Or do you have ideas about ways in which the rule can be changed to make it more affordable for everyone?
You make a good point about the categories of recording time. Should the EOBRs include more categories for recording time, and if so, what categories would you suggest? You also make a good point about time that is not recorded in the EOBR itself. How can the proposed rule be changed to make sure that all the time you worked is properly taken into account?
Do you have any ideas about how these devices can be made more cost-effective for smaller truckers? For example, do you have suggestions for an exception that FMCSA could make for these smaller truckers? Or do you have ideas about ways in which the rule can be changed to make it more affordable for everyone?
You make a good point about the categories of recording time. Should the EOBRs include more categories for recording time, and if so, what categories would you suggest? You also make a good point about time that is not recorded in the EOBR itself. How can the proposed rule be changed to make sure that all the time you worked is properly taken into account?