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July 20, 2010 7:54 pm

I have two sister in laws and a brother in law and two friends that have children that are allergic to peanuts and/ or all nuts. On a flight with American airlines I was with my sister in law that is deadly allergic to peanuts. I asked the flight attendant not to sell peanuts on the flight. She came back with the regulation book explaining that the company policy was not to accommodate her. I did clearly explain that if peanut dust is in the air it will cause her a sever assma attack. They did nothing to help us and did offer to sell peanuts on the flight. My sister in law took benadrel and was very scard for the entire flight. She did get filled up but didn’t have an attack. She is very afraid to fly. Why don’t they just serve snacks that don’t have the potential to kill someone!!!!!

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