While the passenger has a right to know what fees are being charged by the airlines, when the ticket is purchased, it should be inclusive of any and all fees. I have always been opposed to carry-on bags that don’t fit under the seat. Delays in boarding are caused by people trying to “stuff” their bag in the overhead compartment. If the carry-on is too large to fit, then the passenger should be charged a fee for those carry-on bags. I agree with the comments that mthornt1 has posted.
While the passenger has a right to know what fees are being charged by the airlines, when the ticket is purchased, it should be inclusive of any and all fees. I have always been opposed to carry-on bags that don’t fit under the seat. Delays in boarding are caused by people trying to “stuff” their bag in the overhead compartment. If the carry-on is too large to fit, then the passenger should be charged a fee for those carry-on bags. I agree with the comments that mthornt1 has posted.