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August 19, 2010 2:11 am

As a person that has been diagnosed with a severe peanut allergy, I believe there should be a ban on ALL foods. A lot of people do not understand how severe peanut allergies can be and how long the medicine lasts. The medicine lasts around 10-15 min. I usually carry 2 on my person when flying.

During one flight in 1999, we had to make an emergency landing and I had to spend the night at the ER because of peanut dust circulating through the cabin.

I’ve read what other people have said about other allergies, and I say to ban all food items from being on planes (with the exception of international flights and people with diabetes). You can live without peanuts or pretzels for food for 1-5 hours. Other people may die because some people can’t consider that because they are being selfish. That takes care of that slippery slope.

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