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March 3, 2011 12:11 pm

Thank you curious for responding to rwwelker’s comment. Do you believe that cell phones are not a good option for back up purposes? Do you have any other suggestion besides relying on paper logs?

March 3, 2011 12:15 pm

Thank you for your comment. I thought it might be helpful to clarify a certain point. EOBR’s would not eliminate enforcement, but rather DOT believes EOBR’s will make it easier and more efficient for truckers because it would get rid of a lot of the extra paperwork.

March 7, 2011 7:02 am

Rwwelker, you mention that DOT has checked out this system and likes it. Do you have a source (like a link or an article) for this information? It’d be great if everyone could see exactly what you’re talking about!

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