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February 8, 2011 7:55 am

Being a small bus company in these economic times, we have NO extra money for more regulations. I am all for safety but this is going to put the small guys out in the cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 8, 2011 8:01 am

This is going to cost more money for the carriers that fallow the laws. How about going after all the companies that don’t follow the laws and are making money hand over fist?

February 8, 2011 9:18 am

yeah, and especially the little guys who have to suffer the most. it’s really just a conspiracy among the big truckers to beat out the competition. noticed that five huge truck companies have out and out supported this regulationn.

February 8, 2011 10:28 am

Thanks for your comment Jason and welcome to Regulation Room! You’re saying you agree that safety should be a consideration, but that this proposal will cost too much.

DOT and FMCSA are interested in hearing ideas that you and other commenters may have. Do you have suggestions for how to reduce the expected cost without sacrificing safety?

February 8, 2011 12:14 pm

Welcome to Regulation Room Jason and Merc! This issue post deals with DOT’s question regarding who would have to use an EOBR. Specifically, the DOT has asked whether short haul carriers (including SH HazMat carriers and SH passenger-carrying CMVs) should be required to switch to EOBRs and, if so, what the best way to implement this requirement would be? Do you have any suggestions regarding who should be covered by this proposed rule?

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