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July 6, 2010 9:46 am

What about protecting people who aren’t allergic to peanuts from the very small minority that are allergic to them?

Since you would ban peanuts, what other foods and other items should we also ban? Everyone is allergic to something, so using your reasoning, we’d be on a plane with no food, along with some other things, which would make it a very unpleasant flight for everyone involved.

Banning peanuts will not protect anyone; they’re already onboard the aircraft, along with peanut dust in the fabric of the seats. The fact that nobody has ever died from anaphylactic shock due to peanut allergies on a U.S. airliner is clear evidence that the risk is so remote as to be non-existent.

Instead of imagining the worst-case scenario and assuming it to be a certainty, try dealing… more »

…with your irrational fears and live your life. If it was really as risky as you seem to believe, then you wouldn’t ever leave your home. « less

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