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March 2, 2011 3:00 pm

As far as the costs involved, buying/renting, an on board tracking device. The federal government does not care. Like the EPA, CARB, ect.,if you have to buy a brand new truck to comply with thier regulations, then so be it. The folks with these older trucks that don’t have electronics, they will force you to do whatever it takes to run one of these EOBRs, or you just won’t be compliant to operate. That being said,since they de-regulated trucking in the sixtys, the haul rate has been in a freefall. I would suggest, if they’re going to require all this, that they should also re-regulate the haul rate. Just so we won’t have to keep hauling dollar freight, and pay for all this other stuff too. You just try and pass this off to the consumer. You’ll soon be too expensive… more »

…to do business with. already saddled up with high fuel prices, fifteen dollar truckstop meals, four hundred dollar tires, won’t mention the price of a road service call. If they are out to level the playing field, cause we all know it ain’t about safety, then they NEED to level it. That’s just my opinion. « less
March 6, 2011 5:30 pm

These (black boxes) that they want installed, are unrelyable at best. They can and will be manipulated, when folks figure it out. Therefore, it’s not about safety. It is however, all about getting more of our hard earned cash. The people, I should say parasites, that make these devices, city and state revenue collecters,and lobbyists/lawyers are the ones to gain/profit. The only safety that would happen, would be from having fewer trucks on our highways. Can you say, out of business? With only a few carriers that thwart the law, there is no justification to demand these devices in every single truck. Not about safety, it is however, about information, we know where you’ve been. Even though you are off duty, we know where you’ve been. You started your truck yesterday, why didn’t… more »

…you log that ‘on duty not driving’. You get the point. True,FMCSA can’t regulate the freight rates, they can just regulate everything else. A little side note, the headlines in Detroit read, “Crime Rates Plummet”. Not because the police were doing a better job, or the citizens were better folks. It was because, people were leaving Detroit to live in the suburbs. Everything worth stealing, had already been stolen, they beat their chests like Tarzan, proclaiming a huge victory for their city. I see the same thing on the horizon for the trucking industry. With their pockets bulging with cash, beating their chests, crying,’Victory’for the motoring plublic. « less
March 5, 2011 3:00 pm

Motingator, FMCSA doesn’t have the authority to regulate haul rates. Do you have any specific suggestions regarding the proposed EOBR rule?

May 10, 2011 5:29 pm

Vganster, another commenter whose company uses EOBRs says that drivers had some issues with them at first, but after using them for a while grew to like them (you can read the comment here). Do you have experience with EOBRs that leads you to a different conclusion? If so, what has that experience been like?

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