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August 11, 2010 10:56 am

What other industry can get away with making a contract of sale and then not honoring it? This has always been a policy that outraged me, both as a business and personal traveler. If the DOT can’t get this under control we need to find another federal agency that can.

August 11, 2010 10:59 am

Of course all flights should be covered by the 3-hour limit – that’s a no-brainer. When else is business permitted to hold human beings and animals hostage for endless miserable hours just because nobody prohibits this abhorrent practice? This is all about the convenience for airlines, with complete disregard for comfort and safety of the passenger. Airlines need to be reminded that they are a SERVICE business and should at least attempt to behave as such.

August 11, 2010 11:02 am

DOT needs to do a lot more than just give information about how the airlines can rip off the traveling public. They need to regulate fees to a reasonable level. The public relations black-eye airlines are getting for their “fee-frenzy” is their own fault, but the DOT isn’t doing much to assist them in overcoming it!

August 12, 2010 1:33 am

Thank you for your comment. The idea that the DOT should directly determine baggage fees is an interesting one. What does everyone think about this, and – if you agree – what would be a reasonable price?

August 12, 2010 1:37 am

Thank you for your comment – do you think that the DOT’s proposed rules for compensation for bumping would be enough of a deterrent to airlines/remedy for passengers? Or do you think more should be done, and if so, what would you propose?

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