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June 23, 2010 4:36 am

I think this issue should only be touched if a clear adverse effect can be demonstrated, either in health impacts or in those avoiding flight for fear of peanuts.

As for the epinephrine auto-injector, the planes should probably have one available, just as they should have a defibrillator available because they are so far from medical care. Anyone with a peanut allergy who is not a fool will have one on them whether required to or not.

The plane does not use recycled air, so perhaps requesting people in a certain area of a plane, or on a certain flight not have peanuts if someone can submit documentation of a severe peanut allergy that would be reasonable. This may be a small inconvenience, but so is forcing everyone else not to have peanuts, and since this is for the passenger with the allergy,… more »

…its nothing to ask of them. A blanket ban is simply overkill without a specific need, and any products with ingredients, like snickers, need to be demonstrated to be dangerous. You cannot just ban products because someone fears they might be dangerous, without proof it is an unnecessary invasion of the privacy and choice of other passengers. « less

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