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January 9, 2012 1:10 am

TTS is NOT equally effecitve for blind persons with High Functioning Autism, as it does not provide editing capabilities, and involves talking to a live person, which can be intimidating.

It is also more costly in the long term because it requires paid workers or risks the problems with broken voice mail systems.

Additionally it does not have the functionality of a web site, and does not ensure that prices available on the web sites are available by this means. This produces a divide based on disability that is unacceptable.

January 9, 2012 1:19 am has some automated tests for accessability handling of web pages. It would be very useful to mandate the passage of these tests.

Note, most of the current web sites fail the tests for standards compliance, thus inevitably failing these tests as well.

Industry may be resistant to this change without full explanation of how it opens new customers to their service, and how that is a major advantage to them and will pay back many fold the expense of web-developer time.

January 9, 2012 7:46 am

Hi ruediix, at this point in the process, the focus is on making sure the summary includes everything that was raised in the comments on the different posts. This is not the time to raise new points or re-hash old arguments. If you think we missed something that you or someone else mentioned in the comments before these draft summaries were posted, let us know! If you wish to comment on the substance of the proposed rule, you can still do that by the end of the day today at

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