The final summary has been posted at:
Thank you for your participation in our beta test. Watch for our first live rule in early 2010.
Tags: upcoming
Just another weblog Just another weblog Just another weblog Just another weblog Just another weblog Just another weblog Just another weblog
This summary of the agency’s reasoning lets you react to specific paragraphs.
For example, to react to the third paragraph, click either “Paragraph 3.” or the on the right margin.
To see what others have said, click either the phrase “x comments” or the
beside it
To see summaries of other issues in the rule, go to the Rule Map.
The final summary has been posted at:
Thank you for your participation in our beta test. Watch for our first live rule in early 2010.
Tags: upcoming
"Have Your Say" is a "blog" that will run a series of short articles ("posts") about the proposed rule. These are written by the site moderators; a new one will appear every day. The most recent one is listed first; find earlier posts at the bottom of the page or in the Archives (left column). Arrange for new Have Your Say posts to come automatically to your email by clicking the small orange "RSS" button above.
You can respond to the posts by typing your comments in the box below. You can also read what others think, and respond to them by clicking "Reply." To respond, or reply to others, you must register with the site and log in. More at Participate.
Each "Dig in" article is a summary, written by the site moderators, of the agency’s reasoning on an important issue in the proposed rule. The summary will also point you to any data or studies the agency relies on. See all the available summaries by clicking "Rule Map" (left column).
You can respond to specific sections of the summary: In the shaded box in the left column, click the "Paragraph [number]" that corresponds to the small black number in the left margin by the text you want to discuss; then, type in the box that opens. You can also see how many other comments have been made on this section, read them and reply to them. To respond, or reply to others, you must register with the site and log in. More at Participate.
Find previous Have Your Say posts (and their comments) here. Posts are moved from the main page weekly.
Tags are keywords that you can attach to your comment to help you and others find related ideas. Clicking on a word in the "tag cloud" will find all the posts and comments tagged with this word.
By clicking "Rule-Home" (left column), you can get a quick overview of this proposed rule, and follow a daily blog of short articles on important issues in the rule. You can "Have Your Say" by responding to the daily post and replying to other users’ comments.
By using the "Rule Map" (left column), you can find detailed summaries of the agency’s reasoning on all the issues in the rule. You can "Dig in" to these summaries and make comments on specific parts of the reasoning. From the Rule Map, you can also find the text of the proposed rule, the agency’s full explanation, and reports, studies and other documents in the rulemaking. More at Participate.
To respond to either the Have Your Say posts or Dig In summaries, or reply to others’ responses, you must register with the site and log in.
By clicking the Learn Tab (above left column), you can get information about the rulemaking process and effective commenting
"Beta" means a version of the site we are testing before opening to the general public with a "live" rule. This test will run until the end of November. More at About.